Down Pleasant St in Norwood and Walpole to Coney St, cross Rt 1 & I95 on Coney St, right onto Rt 27 in Sharon, then left onto MooseHill St. Over Moose Hill (lots of wildlife to watch) cross S.Walpole St, continue on Moose Hill St to South Main St in Sharon, take a right, go past Wolomolopoag and left into work. In spring and summer I return home by a variety of routes that take me through Norfolk & Millis, or through Canton,Dedham,& Westwood. Alternatively I try getting lost and then finding my way home. Getting lost is getting harder.
I've nearly ridden into a startled turkey flying across the road. I think that might have been painful.
The best reason to work is the chance to commute. I'd like to share routes with anyone in my general area.