
Shannon Berry

From Fort Wayne IN

Commutes 20 Miles Round Trip for 10 years and 0 months
Five Days a week, I use my bike to travel to and from work Year Round

My commute take me through several housing additions, over a busy bridge, on to a sidewalk used as a bike path and finally out to a growing suburb where I work at a regional medical center.

I am a 43 year old father of three and started bicycle commuting when I was 33 years old to loose weight. I have lost 40 lbs since then and commuting has helped me keep it off. Being a father of three, exercise time is limited. Commuting to/from work lets me get exercise 5 days a week. I aim every year to be a super-commuter (commute in all weather). Besides weight loss and exercise - commuting keeps me happy and energetic

2005 was a bad year for my winter commute. hit breaks to avoid car backing out of drive without looking: I wiped out and ended up with slight concussion and broken hand. Helmets can be life savers! My favorite time to commute is in early morning as the sun is rising: peaceful. commuting teaches a person the habits of the wild creatures: the times and temperatures that crickets chirp, Katy-dids katy did, birds sing, rabbits feed, and deer roam. not only does one learn every crack and elevation of the road but learns nature's ways along your path. try that in a mobile iron cage!

Live to bicycle commute - bicycle commute to live!

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